
crystal cleaning

The LBO Crystal Cleaning Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Your Optical Equipment (1)

1. Introduction to LBO Crystal Cleaning 1.1 Overview of LBO Crystals Lithium triborate (LBO) is a non-linear optical crystal that has been widely used in various optical instruments, including frequency doublers and triplers, optical parametric oscillators, and ultrafast lasers. The crystal has excellent transparency across a broad range of wavelengths, high laser-induced damage threshold, and relatively large non-linear coefficient, making it an attractive choice for many applications. However, LBO crystals are susceptible to various types of contamination, which can significantly impact their performance. Contamination can occur in various forms, such as dust, fingerprints, water spots, or even oxidation, resulting in …

The LBO Crystal Cleaning Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Your Optical Equipment (1) Read More »

Advantages and Applications of Nd YAG Wavelength

Chapter 1: Introduction to Nd YAG Wavelength Nd YAG lasers are a type of solid-state laser that use a crystal made of neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet as a lasing medium. When the crystal is excited with light or electrical energy, it emits light at a specific wavelength of 1064 nm. One of the key advantages of Nd YAG lasers is their ability to operate in both pulsed and continuous modes. This allows for a wide range of applications, from medical treatments to industrial cutting and welding. Nd YAG lasers are also known for their high energy output and excellent beam …

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cancer treatment

Ti Sapphire Crystal for Medical Applications (2)

In the last article <Ti Sapphire Crystal for Medical Applications (1)> , we learned about the medical application of titanium gems, and this article continues with the introduction. 5. Ti Sapphire Crystal for Laser Surgery 5.1 Introduction Ti Sapphire crystal has emerged as a promising material for laser surgery applications. In this chapter, we will discuss the principles of laser surgery and Ti Sapphire crystal’s role in these applications. 5.2 Laser Surgery Laser surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that involves using a laser to cut or vaporize tissue. Ti Sapphire crystals are the light source in laser surgery …

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optical coherence tomography - crylink

Ti Sapphire Crystal for Medical Applications (1)

1. Introduction to Ti Sapphire Crystal 1.1 History of Ti Sapphire Crystal Ti Sapphire crystal was first discovered in the 1960s by a team of researchers led by Robert L. Byer at Stanford University. The crystal is created by doping Sapphire, a crystalline form of aluminum oxide, with small amounts of titanium ions. The resulting crystal exhibits unique optical and physical properties, making it ideal for various medical applications. 1.2 Physical and Optical Properties Ti:Sapphire crystal has several unique physical and optical properties, making it highly desirable for medical applications. The crystal has a broad absorption band in the visible …

Ti Sapphire Crystal for Medical Applications (1) Read More »

biomedical Imaging

Top 10 Applications of BBO Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to Cutting-Edge Technologies (2)

In the preceding article, we presented five out of the ten major uses of BBO crystals. These applications encompassed SHG, OPO, electro-optic modulator, SFG, and OPA. In this article, we will explore the remaining five applications. 6. Terahertz Generation Terahertz waves are electromagnetic waves with frequencies ranging from 0.1 to 10 terahertz (THz) or wavelengths ranging from 30 to 3000 micrometers. This portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is often referred to as the terahertz (THz) or submillimeter wave region. In this chapter, we will explore the generation of terahertz waves using BBO crystals and discuss their applications in various fields, …

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Top 10 Applications of BBO Crystals: A Comprehensive Guide to Cutting-Edge Technologies (1)

Introduction to BBO Crystals BBO (Beta-Barium Borate) crystals are a type of nonlinear optical crystal that has found many applications in cutting-edge technologies. These crystals exhibit several unique properties, such as high damage threshold, high nonlinear coefficients, and wide transparency range, which make them highly suitable for various applications. In this chapter, we will provide an introduction to BBO crystals, their properties, and crystal growth techniques. BBO crystals have a broad transparency range from 190 nm to 3300 nm, which makes them suitable for applications in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared regions. BBO crystals are highly efficient in converting the …

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The Power of Nd YAG Crystals: Properties and Applications

Chapter 1: Introduction to Nd YAG Crystals Nd YAG crystals are a type of laser crystal that has become an essential component of various laser systems. These crystals comprise a combination of neodymium, yttrium, aluminium, and garnet, hence the acronym Nd YAG. Combining these elements produces an optically transparent crystal with high thermal conductivity and is resistant to damage from laser radiation. Nd YAG crystals have several unique properties that make them ideal for use in laser technology. One of the most important properties of Nd YAG crystals is their high gain coefficient. The gain coefficient refers to the measure …

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An In-Depth Guide to Er:YAG Crystal: Understanding its Properties and Applications

Er:YAG crystal is a laser crystal used in various scientific and medical applications. This crystal has unique properties that make it useful for different purposes, and understanding these properties is essential in making the most out of the crystal’s capabilities. This article will provide an in-depth guide on Er:YAG crystal, its properties, and applications. We will also discuss its potential limitations and prospects. What is Er:YAG Crystal? Er:YAG, or erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet, has a crystal structure that belongs to the cubic crystal system. The crystal lattice of Er:YAG is composed of aluminum, yttrium, oxygen, and erbium ions. Each Er:YAG …

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Ti Sapphire crystal

Customizing Titanium Sapphire: Design, Fabrication, and Modification

Customizing Titanium Sapphire: Design, Fabrication, and Modification is a comprehensive guide that explores the intricacies of Ti: sapphire lasers. This book is designed to provide readers with an in-depth understanding of Ti: sapphire lasers’ design, fabrication, and modification, along with their various applications. The book includes eight chapters that cover a wide range of topics related to Ti: sapphire lasers, from the fundamentals of laser physics to the latest advances in laser technology.

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